Juniper vSRX is a virtualized version of SRX, which is a popular choice for network security. In this short post I will explain the steps to spin up a vSRX on a Proxmox server.
0. Prerequisite
- This guide assumes you have a working Proxmox VE
- You will also need a vSRX image (qcow2) - it can be downloaded from Juniper Networks website. Juniper also offers evaluation programs that allows to test and assess their products, such as vSRX, vMX and vQFX with a trial period.
1. Copy vSRX image
After downloading a vSRX image in QEMU format (.qcow2), first thing we need to do is to copy vSRX image from the local PC to proxmox server
scp junos-vsrx3-x86-64-20.2R1.10.qcow2 [email protected]:/var/tmp
2. Create VM
Login to Proxmox server and check the image is copied over. You can access shell from the Proxmox GUI.
Click “Create VM” and configure the VM
General->Name: Name for the VM
OS: "Do not use any media"
OS -> Guest OS: Linux
СPU -> Cores: 2
Memory: 4096
2. Configure VM
Next we are going to replace the harddisk with the SRX image.
Select Created VM -> Hard Disk -> Detach Hard disk
Go back to the Proxmox Shell and import the image to the VM. qm importdisk <vmid> <source> <storage> [OPTIONS]
VM is referred by the ID and in this case VMID is 100
qm importdisk 100 /var/tmp/junos-vsrx3-x86-64-20.2R1.10.qcow2 local-lvm
This will add new disk to the VM. To make it active, go back to the VM -> Select Disk 1 -> Click Edit -> Add
Click Add -> Serial Port -> Add Serial Port 0
Go to Options -> Boot Order -> Enable boot from Disk 1
Start the VM and connect with xterm.js. This will provide you with connection to the serial port of the vSRX.
And here is a result with working Juniper vSRX.
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